It’s week two of the One Room Challenge and today I’m excited to share the nursery plan with you. But first, make sure to head over to the One Room Challenge to see all of this week’s updates from the featured designers and guest participants. This time around, I’m working on a nursery for our first child, set to arrive this summer.

Gender Neutral Nursery Plan
Given that we don’t know the gender, I decided to go with a pretty neutral

The crib is black metal (this one from Wayfair). It kept going out of stock, but I snagged it the in March when I got the alert it was available. My back-up option was this Jenny Lind, which has a similar vibe.
I’m still working on the wall art, but that’s where I plan to bring in some color. I figure I can always swap the art out later if I want to go more gender-specific once the baby arrives.
Current State
Sorry that there aren’t many pictures to share this week, but there’s not much progress to share. The upholsters came Tuesday to pick up the sofa and we removed the bed frame.

The large vertical box in the corner is the rug pad, which will go down hopefully this week. You can see the new crib against the wall, not put together yet.

So, basically I bought a lot of stuff and now need to getting things actually set-up. Hoping to share the rug next week (surprise – it’s not the one in the mood board), and maybe the crib will be assembled?